WP1 – Establish 5G UAS network

The key objective of work package 1 was to develop a 5G UAS (Unmanned Aerial Systems) network with 3D coverage specifically tailored for drones at the UAS Denmark Test Center located at HCA Airport in Odense.

The goal was to enhance UAS operations by delivering reliable, low-latency communication, prioritizing critical data, and optimizing resource allocation with 5G technology. This further enables a wider industry and academic collaboration into serving real-life drone flight case issues and paving 5G technology usability serving the aviation and drone industry into future digitalization.

Within this 5G UAS network, the focus has been on developing innovative U-space services. These services leverage the capabilities inherent in 5G technology considering reliable connectivity with Quality of Service (QoS) with real time observability for critical control communication like C2 but also beyond connectivity serving drone management such as drone networked remote identification and flight safety regarding centimeter accuracy positioning in 3D.

The 8 innovative 5G use cases and their results caters on various drone aspects including reliable connectivity in air, drone management and flight safety has been taken into consideration and influencing on European drone regulation such as EASA and global level of impact such as GSMA and CAMARA for new global Telco APIs development to cater for drone/aviation industry.

By validating the real-life flight scenarios in TDC NET live public network empowered by Ericsson solution and portfolios, the project aims to unlock the full potential of 5G for UAV operators, UTM and regulation decision makers through the whole flight lifecycle pre-flight planning and approval, in-flight operation, and post-flight analysis.

Key findings and outcome from WP 1

UAV real-time performance observability

Ericsson’s solution, integrated into the live 5G network system operated by TDC NET, demonstrated real-time performance observability for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) during IDS23 (International Drone Show). When UAV operators flies drone over 5G connectivity, they can make real-time understanding on the connectivity performance and receive notification/alert on any outage to take in-flight real-time safety decision. This provides valuable insights into network coverage and usage patterns, crucial for optimizing UAV operations.

quality of service (qos)

With 5G slicing and dynamic QoS Control technology, it demonstrated how to provide the consistent uplink bandwidth required for a stable drone control signal and a live video stream for surveillance in TDC NET public network empowered by Ericsson technology. During inspection mission, the connection quality has been dynamic controlled near inspection object to provide required high quality live video stream.

SIM density mapping in Odense

In the Odense area, TDC NET successfully implemented a SIM density map using Ericsson’s technology. The mobile network provides SIM density information, which can be used to assess the ground risk situation both in terms of historical statistics and a dynamic real-time manner. Using cellular data, the system estimates the number of SIMs in a 1 km² area with varying precision, adhering to privacy regulations and location-specific accuracy levels. With such a technology reflecting real-time scenarios on ground, the flight management and drone operator can make fast and accurate decision on the public safety v.s. flight flexibility. It can bring down the required approval time from currently several months to minutes in the future.

Ericsson 3GPP RTK precise location

SDU conducted in-field verification of Ericsson’s 3GPP RTK (Real-Time Kinematics) technology alongside TDC NET and Geoteam’s commercial network. This validation ensures precise positioning for UAVs, enhancing their operational accuracy. The location accuracy can be improved to centimeter level in 3D. This achievement ensures a safety flight control in 3D and collision avoidance, underscores the seamless integration of UAV data within the 5G ecosystem.

RAN-based Location Verification

TDC NET demonstrated 5G-network estimated location with Ericsson Location service, that is a system-based location technology. Therefore, it can largely guarantee the trust worthiness source of location to avoid GNSS spoofing. The technology can be trusted to both validate GNSS location and provide a 2nd source location tracing drone.

3D measurement campaigns at HCA Airport
  • DTU (Technical University of Denmark) executed extensive 3D measurement campaigns at HCA Airport. Leveraging the TSMA6B network scanner from Rhodes & Schwarz. These measurements were processed and analyzed using MATLAB.
  • Model identification (e.g., log-distance, Free Space Path Loss) and computation of relevant variables were conducted by DTU to develop a comprehensive 3D path loss model.
GENIUS recognition

The GENIUS project gained recognition and secured a listing in the GSMA drone project index for Denmark. GSMA | Drone Project Index | Smart Mobility

Future Opportunities

  • Telco networks are evolving to provide 5G connectivity with a focus on security and privacy. A unified API developer interface is emerging through GSMA open gateway initiative.
  • It is a strategy decision for Ericsson to address digital airspace including drone area in low altitude with its portfolio from network products to Vonage global API platform to delivery 5G network catering 3D needs.  
  • GENIUS has technically demonstrated connectivity and exposure services within a live network. Once a proper ecosystem and regulations are in place, these services can support the full life cycle of UAV operations in Denmark.